Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Mosquito Control Services on the Treasure Coast

Mosquito Control FloridaContrary to popular belief, mosquitos are harmful insects: that carry bacteria and viruses. Their presence on the premises represents a real health hazard. They are also very annoying with their itchy, buzzing bites.

Are Mosquitoes swarming around your property or even in your industrial premises? Call ProControl Services to get rid of them once and for all.

Why hire professionals for Mosquito Control?

It is true that there are many products available on the market that are designed to kill mosquitoes. But they are only short-term solutions. The components of these products contain elements harmful to your health and the environment. Using professional mosquito control is a much safer solution.

At ProControl Services, we set up mosquito traps that will allow us to get rid of them in a sustainable way. Indeed, some species of mosquitoes manage to survive the winter inside the house. Our experience in the field allows us to put in place the best solutions to solve your mosquito problems once and for all.

A Company Specializing in Mosquito Control

Protect yourself from mosquitos by proceeding to mosquito control by a professional pest control company on the Treasure Coast.

ProControl Services brings its expertise and know-how to individuals, local authorities, and professionals. The main principles of mosquito control are:

  • Chemical control
  • Biological control
  • Mechanical control
  • Environmental control

With your well-being and safety in mind, we will put in place the most effective mosquito control treatments.

We also set up a high level of security for your protection and that of your entourage. During each intervention, we offer complete treatments that take care of both your building and your garden.

Looking for Wasp Control on the Treasure Coast? Contact ProControl Services Today!


ProControl Services is a company that has specialized in pest control and prevention for several years now. This is why we are able to offer you the best services for any mosquito control operation on the Treasure Coast.

Our certified mosquito control team has all the necessary skills to install mosquito control methods. Thanks to our experience in mosquito control, ProControl Services is able to respond to all your requests for control and prevention against all forms of pests, with professionalism and rigor.

For each mosquito control operation, we proceed step by step:

  1. Identification of the species of mosquitoes present
  2. The causes of the emergence of mosquitoes
  3. The degree of mosquito infestation at the scene
  4. Appropriate treatments according to the situation
  5. Follow-up if needed

All these steps allow us to target our actions on the most efficient methods and treatments. All are adaptable to each situation that arises. At the same time, we guarantee you a fast and effective service for your Treasure Coast mosquito control.

We remain at your disposal to better understand your needs. You will be able to make an appointment according to your availability so that we can adapt to your needs. Contact us to find out more about our mosquito control services on the Treasure Coast.

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Pest Control Palm Beach

two pick ups of procontrol management services

Whether you’re in the city or in the country, pests can invade you anywhere. Even in modern, well-maintained places that are impeccably clean. No one is safe from pests such as insects, rodents, or other animals.

Whether they are flying or crawling, insects’ presence can quickly become unbearable. They might include:

  • Wasps
  • Cockroaches
  • Ants
  • Bugs
  • Fleas
  • Rats

Beyond the discomfort and unhappiness caused by these insects, they can be the cause of insalubrity problems. Those can have disastrous consequences. Cockroaches, for example, are responsible for the transmission of pathogenic germs. Especially when these insects come into contact with food.

As soon as the first insects appear and in order to contain the proliferation, it is essential to disinfect them. There is nothing better than to protect yourself from such worries in a preventive way. Our technicians provide pest control services to protect individuals and professionals alike.

Why do you need an inspection?

Our quality inspectors are at the heart of our service delivery. They have extensive expertise, broad technical know-how. They also constantly adhere to our good practice policy. 

Quality assurance studies are regularly carried out on the premises of our clients. This enables us to verify that our teams provide the appropriate services. Those are always corresponding to the site’s health and safety requirements.

Do you work in the catering industry? The regulations require inspectors to carry out regular inspections. The level of inspection depending on the level of risk that the establishment might put on the market. Rodent risk in particular results in a significant health threat. It may lead to the closure of your establishment.

Private individuals also benefit from these quality assurance spot checks carried out by our inspectors. The responsibilities of these supervisors also include the ongoing training of our technicians. This is to ensure that we remain the best in our field.

  • Your home is healthy? ProControl Services will issue you with a report demonstrating that the home is free of pests. This can be given to your tenant when you sign the rental agreement.
  • Your rental property is infested? ProControl Services can offer you innovative pest control solutions for a wide range of pests.

Green Pest Management

ProControl Services is committed to promoting the use of green solutions for pest control. This means that we use chemicals only when absolutely necessary. We choose to take a holistic approach to pest control. The latter includes investigating a potential source of infestation. Then, we provide a solution before we have to use a means of elimination.

We take the subject of using non-toxic solutions very seriously. As evidence of this, we have developed strict principles. They guide our services in the elimination and control of pests.

  1. We inspect your home or establishment to determine the cause of the pest infestation.
  2. We cut access points providing entry solutions to prevent the return of pests.
  3. We track your establishment to detect the potential presence of a pest at an early stage.
  4. We use the right materials to limit the use of chemicals. We use this technique on pests such as bed bugs.
  5. We use pesticides selectively. Sometimes there is no other recourse, but we always turn to chemicals as a last resort. We make sure we use just enough to get the job done.
  6. We get rid of pests by developing heat treatments. Steam treatment methods to let our prevention methods take over.

Our integrated pest management service views pest control as a means of prevention. Not reaction. We eliminate insects and rodents’ access points, find solutions that work, and ensure that your property is free of pests and has minimal impact on the environment.

Our pest control services in Palm Beach

Pests are constantly adapting to their environment. Research and development are thus essential to develop new solutions. They enable us to stay one step ahead of all potentially problematic pests.

ProControl Services strives to continuously develop innovative solutions:

  • Bird repellents using electro-remote systems
  • Intelligent insecticides
  • Interactive online information systems

Our technicians will not only treat the infestation. They will also look for the cause and origin of the infestation. This will alow to provide you with the most reliable and long-lasting pest control, disinsectisation and disinfection treatment.

When you choose ProControl Services, you choose efficiency! Whether it is a service contract or a one-off intervention, we offer you the most reliable, innovative and environmentally friendly solutions.

Our commitment to you

We protect businesses, families and their homes from the risks associated with the presence of pests throughout the United States.

We develop innovative and intelligent methods to identify, repel and eliminate pests. In all our operations, the environment is our priority. We develop and use pest control solutions that have the lowest possible impact on the environment.

We strictly follow all applicable health and safety legislation and regulations. Our policies and procedures are aimed at continuously improving the health and safety of our employees and customers.

You can trust ProControl Services

ProControl Services technicians are qualified and certified professionals. Throughout their career, they take part in training programs to maintain their level of competence. Whether it’s a food processing plant or your own home, they will be able to offer you adapted and efficient solutions.

Our pest control engineers make every effort to establish a relationship of trust with companies. This relationship is based on:

  • Sharing information
  • Raising awareness
  • Providing advice
  • Training staff in detecting and identifying pest problems

All our research and development projects are motivated by what our customers tell us about their needs and expectations.

The pest control specialists dedicated to pest control interventions in private homes are trained. They are ready to provide you with a service that complies with safety measures related to the presence of children and animals. Getting rid of pests often requires the use of toxic products or traps. Our technicians use tamper-proof bait stations to guarantee a greatest level of security.

At ProControl Services, we recruit the best talents in our sector within our research and development department. Need our help with pest control in Palm Beach? Get in touch now!

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Bee Removal West Palm Beach

Bee Service Near Me

Bees are ecologically useful. Their nesting habits have often brought them into close proximity with humans. Unlike wasps, most species of bees are not aggressive by nature. They only become so if provoked or if their nests are disturbed. But since some species are very aggressive, trying to move a swarm of wasps can be very dangerous.

Did you find a bee nest near your home or in an area where it is likely to pose a risk to humans? If yes, it is best to hire professionals to remove the bee nest. For bee removal in West Palm Beach, get in touch with ProControl Services.

How do you locate a bee nest?

The nest of bees, wasps, and hornets is similar to a paper ball. Most often they build their nests:

  • In roof ledges
  • In walls’ cavities
  • Between the branches of trees or shrubs
  • Under the structure of the galleries
  • On the ground for the most aggressive ones

In extreme cases where the carpenter bee repeatedly nests in the same location. If this happens, the structural integrity of the nesting site may be compromised. Similarly, leafcutter bees cause aesthetic damage to plants by cutting leaves. They may also damage the stems where they nest.

If you see a nest of bees, keep in mind that it is always better to call in specialists to do the work safely. Exterminators are well trained. They have the necessary equipment and the right products to destroy bees’ nests. Not to mention the fact that they offer the guarantee that the insects will not come back to settle again.

How to get rid of bees?

Some aerosols are strong enough to kill bees when they come in contact with them. Other sprays are a little more natural, but they may not work as quickly or give good results. These different types of sprays should be applied directly to the nest. This kills the bees permanently.

If you are allergic to insect stings or if you are afraid of being attacked, you can call in a specialist. At ProControl Services, the estimate is free, and the service is fast and friendly. We use approved products for this type of problem. They are safe for the environment, for humans as well as for your pets.

How can a bee infestation be prevented?

Preventing a bee infestation is important for your well-being and your health, but also for the health of the bees. As with all parasites, the most important thing is not to allow your home to become an attractive place for bees.

Bees generally exhibit non-aggressive behavior. But during more serious infestations they can sting and attack humans and pets. The most practical way to get rid of bees properly and protect against bee infestations is to use a professional pest management service.

Solving your pest problem is our number one priority. We make every effort to listen, understand and assess your specific needs. Ask for a free, no-obligation estimate for a customized pest management program today.

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Rat Removal Service

Of all the animals in the rodent kingdom, rats and mice are among the most adaptable to their environment. This is both in terms of habitat and diet. This is why, for the most part, they have managed to be a persistent nuisance since the dawn of mankind. The problem is that mice and rats eat just about everything humans eat.  They are happy to coexist with us in almost any environment.

ProControl provides fast and effective rat removal services. They will protect your home or business in your area. Your premises are inspected by our certified pest control experts. Get in touch!

What Attracts Rats to Your House?

If mice have infested your house, you should ask yourself, “What do mice eat once they’re in my house?” Alternatively, if you suspect rodent activity outside your home, you might ask yourself: What attracts rats and mice to the house in the first place? The answer is all around you. Look at:

  • The dirty dishes in the sink
  • The overflowing garbage can outside
  • The pile of leaves blown by the wind in the corner of the yard

Whether we are willing to admit it or not, humans continue to provide shelter, protection, and food for these small rodents. Mice and rats are omnivorous. They consume a wide variety of edible and even inedible foods in the worst cases. Mice are not very picky about their diet. They can eat all kinds of foods, from grains to meat. They can easily find all of those things in your home. Their sense of smell is quite developed. It allows them to snoop around and locate food fairly quickly.

Of all the foods rodents eat, their favorites are generally fruits and berries. In the wild, rats and mice eat these foods at every opportunity. Therefore, raspberry and blackberry bushes – as well as apples and pears – can be used as food for rodents. When uneaten fruits and berries are left on their bushes or trees to rot or are left in open garbage cans, rodents are attracted by the smell and fermenting sugar of these fruits. This can eventually lead to an infestation of rats in your home or mice.

How Do I Get Rid of Rats in my House Fast?

Ultrasonic devices emit noises that can disturb rats and make them run away from your home. However, the effectiveness of ultrasound equipment depends greatly on the model. Rats may become accustomed to the ultrasound and no longer be disturbed. Since ultrasound does not penetrate walls, place one device per room if rats infest several rooms in your home (basement, garage, etc.).

You can also use various traps to capture rats. All these traps work with bait:

  • Cereals
  • Flour
  • Bread
  • Fruits
  • Cheese

There are countless types of traps on the market. You can capture and kill rats with mechanical, electrical, or even glue traps. here are the most commonly found:

  • The rat fag works on the model of the mouse fag, only bigger. When the rat bites the bait, a metal bar falls on it and kills it. However, sometimes the rat will manage to free itself and escape.
  • The rat tooth trap looks like a plastic jaw with large teeth that close in on the rat biting the bait.
  • The electric rat trap is battery operated. An electric shock is sent to the trapped rat and kills it.
  • Glue traps are sticky plates, on which bait may or may not be placed. Sometimes the glue has an attractive odor which avoids the need to add bait. When trapped, the rat gets glued and eventually dies.

The old “rat poison”, composed of arsenic or thallium that is too dangerous for humans, is no longer used today. It is replaced by food impregnated with a rodenticide that will kill rats. It is often an anticoagulant, which causes a fatal hemorrhage at the slightest injury.

You will find rodenticides in paste, block, or granule form.

  1. Place these products every 10 steps where the rats pass.
  2. It is best to hide them under some sort of hiding place (e.g. a tile) so that the rat feels safe to nibble on them.
  3. Replace the bait regularly until it is no longer needed.

If all means have failed, do not hesitate to call in a rat control company. The technicians will effectively perform rat removal services at your home. This is part of a complete and affordable offer. It can be more cost-effective than spending on home-made techniques that are not 100% effective.

Who Offers Rat Removal Services in Port St Lucie?

ProControl specializes in disinsectization and sustainable and preventive treatment of pests. The technicians put all their expertise at the service of communities and individuals.

Rats carriers of various diseases such as:

  • Rabies
  • Typhus
  • Leptospirosis
  • Meningitis

These animals also cause damage to infrastructures. They crawl into places where it is sometimes difficult to dislodge them, such as:

  • Walls
  • Pipes
  • Partitions
  • Cellars
  • Nooks
  • Crannies

We use fast, effective, and harmless rat control methods for humans and pets. The quality of our training reflects our position as a world leader. Our training provides in-depth knowledge of the laws and regulations of your industry. It ensures the safety of you, your family, your pets, and/or your company.

A 3-step intervention:

  1. A technician will inspect your home to determine the best strategy against pests.
  2. We provide customized solutions adapted to your needs to protect your home from pests.
  3. Your premises and its surroundings are constantly protected through our specialized solutions and surveillance systems.

We intervene as quickly and efficiently as possible. Our aim is to get rid of all traces of insects in your home. We also have state-of-the-art technological means at our disposal. Our flying drones allow us to overcome certain pests that are particularly difficult to access.

We serve many locations. See yours?

  • Rat removal Hobe Sound
  • Rat removal Port St Lucie
  • Rat removal Jupiter
  • Rat removal Vero Beach
  • Rat removal Stuart

Not only do we eliminate the pests, but we also prevent them from coming back. We aim at providing you with long-lasting protection. Contact us now for a free estimate and inspection.

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Murder Hornet- Giant Asian Hornets on Treasure Coast

Bee Service

In 2020, two new species of giant Asian hornets were observed in the northwest Pacific. This suggests that these insects have managed to survive despite the control measures adopted last year.

This predator is known as the “killer hornet”. It was nicknamed so because of its propensity to catch a bee, bite the bee’s head and bring it home to feed young hornets. In a matter of hours, giant Asian hornets are capable of killing entire bee colonies. These insects can also be dangerous to humans. Keep reading to find out more.

What are Murder Hornets?

The Asian Giant Hornet is commonly found in Asia. This insect species is large and distinctive, with an orange head and an orange body with a black stripe. When the colony is disturbed, they defend their nests aggressively, as do most social wasps. But in most cases, you can limit the danger by not reacting in a provocative way.

Giant hornets have stings longer than those of a bee. Hornets do not detach from their stings when they sting. Since these stings can puncture thick clothing, it is advisable to avoid areas that are likely to be invaded by those insects.

Murder Hornets in South Florida

The Asian Hornet is the world’s largest wasp species. An invasion of these insects into the United States could cause disturbance to bees who are killed to feed baby hornets.

More than 19,000 containers arrive at the country’s ports every day. U.S. inspectors only conduct random searches of the containers. It is likely that a fertile queen has managed to enter Canada through a shipping container. She would have created the colony that was discovered in late 2019. Only 2% of these containers would be analyzed. This is far too little to detect the presence of invasive species.

How to Remove Giant Asian Hornets on Treasure Coast?

Japanese beekeepers protect their hives from hornets by fencing them with wire mesh. American beekeepers are also trying to do so.

But there are also natural methods. Some bees are able to protect themselves from hornets by burning them. To do this, they wait for the hornet to arrive at their nest, and then invade it in large numbers. They surround the hornet with their whole bodies. At that moment, each member of the bee colony vibrates its wings. This raises the temperature of their respective bodies and the hornet heats up until it burns completely. The carbon dioxide levels in the honeycomb also increase during this process, contributing to the destruction of the hostile insect.

Who to Call for Bee Removal in Port St Lucie?

The destruction of nests is entrusted to professionals. It is no longer the direct responsibility of the fire brigade. As a general rule, the recommendation is to go through a private service provider in Port St Lucie.

Contact ProConstrol for:

  1. A free quote for destroying a wasp, hornet or bee nest
  2. Valuable advice on dealing with those insects
  3. A removal intervention

Get in touch now!

The post Murder Hornet- Giant Asian Hornets on Treasure Coast appeared first on Pro Control Services.





Rodent Waste Clean up – Rodent Sanitation

To clean and sanitize a property from rodent waste, specific knowledge is required. Carrying out this operation represents a threat to your own health. 

ProControl specializes in the disposal of the waste left by rats, mice, birds, raccoons, and other animals. We follow all local and national regulations.

Do not take the risk of your own life in such conditions or clean the premises yourself. You can rely on us to help you safely dispose of animal waste from your property. Our team of highly qualified professionals uses the latest technology. They are able to detect biological hazards, eliminate them, and disinfect the entire affected area.

How Do You Clean up Rat Urine and Poop?

Once all the rats have been eliminated and their entry points have all been blocked, it is now possible to proceed with the cleanup. But cleaning up the droppings requires a special procedure, especially when dealing with large amounts. 

Before cleaning, it is important to ventilate the area infected with rat droppings for a minimum of 30 minutes. Stay out of the area during this time. This will allow for better ventilation for cleaning afterward.

Buying a disinfectant is also very important. You can find some in stores that are very powerful. You can also use bleach to disinfect the area. And with the help of nesting material and paper towels, wipe up and dispose of all excrement in a well-sealed plastic bag. 

Is Rat Poop Toxic?

Rats often carry several viruses that cause fatal diseases in humans. These include smallpox, Ebola virus, and hantavirus. They can be acquired by:

  • Biting
  • Scratching
  • Ingesting food or water contaminated with rat urine or feces

To avoid any health risk, it is left to specialists to deal with them. Companies must follow strict guidelines as determined by OSHA Regulation 29CFR1910.1030. Unless they are trained, employees should not be placed in a position to clean up any incident that could expose them to biohazards such as:

  • Blood
  • Body fluids
  • Feces
  • Vomit 
  • Chemicals

What Kills the Hantavirus?

The Hantavirus is transmitted to humans by infected rodents. It can cause lung disease or hemorrhagic fevers that begin with flu-like symptoms.

Hantavirus can be killed by direct exposure to sunlight or heat. Sweeping up the aerosol particles in the air. They can then remain in suspension for a long time. Use specialized HEPA respirators.

If you encounter rat droppings that are not exposed to the sun, you can clean them with a bleach solution. Use a broom, mop bucket, and ammonia solution. Use a 1:10 dilution of bleach or ammonia or 3% Lysol solution. 

Whichever method you choose, protect yourself with gloves that are made of:

  • Rubber
  • Latex
  • Vinyl 
  • Nitrile

Place garbage inlined plastic bags. After sealing, place the bags in a third plastic bag and seal it, then place it in a dumpster outside the property.

Living with rat feces is not only disturbing but also dangerous. Don’t wait to call on the skills of a professional rodent exterminator.

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Thursday, July 2, 2020

Free Termite Inspection in Port St Lucie

Prevent Termite InfestationsSome properties appear to be in perfect condition. In reality, they may sometimes have hidden defects. Until about twenty years ago, one could not always be aware of them. It was only when one was likely to buy a house that he would notice structures infested by termites. Wood-eating insects and parasites are capable of degrading the integrity of the property.

Some owners have already experienced this type of misadventure. This is why the free termite inspection was set up. The aim is to detect these famous insects that are harmful to the property in question. The future owner has now the possibility to be aware of those risks.

Is it necessary to have a yearly termite inspection?


An annual termite diagnosis is essential for the early detection of termite activity. It prevents potential damage to your property. At the same time, inspections allow you to assess the vulnerability of buildings. It limits the risk of attack.

The termite inspection in Port St Lucie is thus carried out by a certified expert. He or she has professional liability insurance. During the visit, the diagnostician carries out a visual check of the entire property.

  1. He looks for all traces of infestation or damage linked to the presence of termites.
  2. He notes all the areas visited. Including the demountable parts, the areas that could not be always visited.
  3. In case of imminent danger, the seller may be sometimes forced to carry out the treatment of the woodwork.

Why do I need a termite inspection?

Termites have a mode of action. Since wood cellulose is the substance that termites seek out, they attack wood. These include for the most part:

  • Internal beams
  • Framing
  • Floors

They contribute to the weakening of these structures. How? By increasing the risk of collapse. They can be the cause of fires related to electrical short circuits. It is thus important to carry out termite inspection in Port St Lucie before selling your home.

Besides, an inspection is one of the mandatory real estate diagnostics during a sale. Should this not be the case, or if the certificate is not produced, the buyer may request compensation. Or even the cancellation of the sale.

How much should a termite inspection cost?


There is no regulation of the price of real estate diagnostics. Qualified companies can set their own rates. It is thus up to you to find out beforehand about the practices of the sector.

You should count on a budget of between 70 and 250 dollars. It depends on

  • The type of accommodation
  • The number of rooms
  • The geographical location

For a serious diagnosis, prefer a professional who will be within the market average. Group all the compulsory termite inspections with the same expert. You can save around 35% by optimizing travel and file costs. A saving of time and money.

Want a free inspection in Port St Lucie? Call ProControl Management Services and ask for all the information you need.

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